Limits of sequences resources
Teach Yourself (1)
Limits of sequences
In this unit, we recall what is meant by a simple sequence, and introduce
infinite sequences. We explain what it means for two sequences to be the same,
and what is meant by the n-th term of a sequence. We also investigate the
behaviour of infinite sequences, and see that they might tend to plus or minus
infinity, or to a real limit, or behave in some other way.
Test Yourself (1)
Sequences and limits - Numbas
3 questions. One question on limits of standard sequences. Other two on finding least $N$ such that $|a_n-L |lt 10^{-r},;;n geq N$ where $L$ is limit of $(a_n)$. Numbas resources have been made available under a Creative Commons licence by Bill Foster and Christian Perfect, School of Mathematics & Statistics at Newcastle University.
Video (1)
Limits of sequences
In this unit, we recall what is meant by a simple sequence, and introduce
infinite sequences. We explain what it means for two sequences to be the same, and what is meant by the n-th term of a sequence. We also investigate the behaviour of infinite sequences, and see that they might tend to plus or minus infinity, or to a real limit, or behave in some other way. (Mathtutor Video Tutorial)
This resource is released under a Creative Commons license Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works and the copyright is held by Skillbank Solutions Ltd.